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发布时间:2020-04-22      作者:编辑部  
法国科学院院士、主席,波兰科学院外籍院士,广东工业大学特聘教授Bernard Meunier 讲述他自主研发AD新药的经验和故事。

In this article,we have an in-depth conversation with Professor Meunier about his experience and story in developing new AD drugs, his views and suggestions on innovative drug development in Guangdong, and how foreign experts can better participate in China's biomedical innovation process.




2012年,Bernard Meunier被评为广东省第三批领军人才,受聘为广东工业大学特聘教授,在该校建立了“Bernard Meunier现代有机合成及新药研发实验室”,主要进行抗AD新药设计开发。



本文首发于《科技与金融》 2020 年4月刊

采访丨李莹亮 编译丨张孟月

图|闫雪莹 责任编辑|苏莉娜


A: Bernard Meunier 教授

After coming to China


Q:You have been worked in Europe and have won many prizes in France and Holland. Why did you decide to come to China? 

A: I retired in 2012 at the age of 65, and I didn't want to retire so early. At that time, the team of Guangdong University of Technology contacted my team in Toulouse, hoping that I could join in the research and development of ad-related drugs. Therefore, I came to China through the introduction program of foreign experts in Guangdong Province to continue my scientific research.

I visited China 30 years ago and came back in 2012, which made me see the earth-shaking changes that have taken place in China. Take the subway lines for example, the network of Guangzhou Metro is expanding as fast as the city. In France, however, the city of Toulouse, where I live, only has three metro lines for several years. China is a fast developing economy where people are very proactive and everything is going well. I am optimistic about China's future development.

Q: You have a positive attitude towards science and life. In your opinion, what’s the biggest difference between working in France and working in China?

A: In western countries, people always feel that everything is ok, and they don’t need to worry about the future. This is not a positive attitude. However, to people like me who are engaged in scientific research, I like challenges, either to challenge myself or to be challenged by others. I think it's better to ‘retire’ once you stop challenging yourself and having new ideas.

Working in China is a challenge. China is a rapidly developing society that attaches great importance to science and has many innovative scientific and technological achievements. My colleagues are very enthusiastic about scientific research, and the young students are also studious and diligent and like to study scientific knowledge. If a country is interested in science and technology, then there will be good universities, good research institutions, and everything will go in the right direction.

Q: What are the biggest challenges of working in China?

A: I like Chinese food very much, so it's not a problem to adapt to life here. For me, the challenge is not living in China, but doing science. The only inconvenience is that I can’t speak Chinese and I can only communicate with people who understood English, which means I can't talk to many Chinese people. But in an academic field like college, many people write articles and give presentations in English, so I don’t encounter many obstacles. However, when I leave campus and go to places like supermarkets or restaurants, I try to communicate with others. Chinese people are very friendly. When I explain to them that I don't understand Chinese, if they don't know English, they will try to get help from people around them who understand English. My wife always comes to China with me. She often goes around Guangzhou by herself without any problems. Guangzhou is a safe and friendly city.














我们前期的研究结果已获中国专利授权,现正通过PCT(专利合作条约,Patent Cooperation Treaty,简称PCT) 扩展到美国、加拿大、欧洲、日本,我们希望在不久的将来能够获得美国、加拿大、欧洲、日本四地的专利。










Offer advice and suggestions

Q:What do you know about the status and level of new drug research and development in Guangdong and China? Do you have any comments or Suggestions?

A:I don't know much about Chinese medicine. In the process of development of human society, each country has developed unique medicines based on natural products. I know one of the successful examples of China: the discovery of artemisinin. Professor Tu Youyou extracted artemisinin from artemisia annua and developed the best drug to treat malaria in the world. China has great potential in the development of new drugs, which requires international cooperation and the participation of experts from different countries.
A: 我对中国的药物情况没有研究,知道得不多。人类在发展过程中,每个国家基于天然产物都研发了独特的药物。我知道在中国有个非常成功的例子:青蒿素的发现。屠呦呦教授从青蒿中提取了青蒿素,研发出世界上治疗疟疾最好的药物。中国在新药研发中极具潜力,新药研发需要国际化的合作,也需要各国专家参与。

In the past, China preferred to import or produce generic medicines compared to developing medicines,, but now China is increasingly involved in international drug development, which I call the "internationalization of pharmaceutical science". Developing new drugs and treating diseases is one of the missions of scientists, and the government should actively promote the participation of Chinese scientists in the research and development of new drugs.

Q: How can foreign experts like you attend the process of China's biomedical innovation better?

A: China is developing rapidly in drug research, and it’s playing an increasingly important role in the world. The participation of excellent foreign experts can promote the development of new drugs in China. Drug research is not a task that can be carried out behind closed doors. Researchers must communicate with the outside world more and keep abreast of the latest research results and scientific research information, which reflects the importance of international exchanges. In addition, I would like to emphasize that AD is an international disease with patients all over the world. Therefore, international communication and cooperation are essential for the development of new drugs to treat disease.

Taking me s an example, I can feel that the Chinese government has invested a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources to optimize the scientific research environment and improve scientific research. When I came to Guangdong University of Technology, I reported to the university that I needed some experimental facilities, and it was not long before the equipment was in place. The school leaders provided me with a lot of help, both in the research facilities and in my daily life.

Q: You mentioned that the government and universities have given a lot of help to experts. Besides, what other suggestions can you offer for the government to serve foreign talents better?

A: Some of the big pharmaceutical companies in China are mainly engaged in drug sales. In my opinion, they should have more social responsibilities and be more involved in drug research. At present, Chinese universities attach great importance to and actively promote "industry-university-research" cooperation, and the association between academia and industry.

For example, the company that sells the phone also promotes iteration. Twenty years ago, not everyone had a cell phone,but now everyone has at least one. This is a realization of research done by many companies that sold mobile phones years ago. When selling mobile phones, the staff needs to calculate the corresponding profit and set the price, which is a business. In the production of mobile phones, workers have to deal with thousands of different parameters, which is a research. According to the sales volume of mobile phones, the company improves the mobile phones to promote the sales of mobile phones, forming a beneficial circle.

Q: The mission of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is to establish an international technology innovation center. What do you think of the Greater Bay Area?

A: First of all, Guangdong has always been one of the provinces with a high level of internationalization. Guangdong's superior location, the Pearl River basin, Guangzhou、Shenzhen and other big cities, as well as the developed transportation network, have brought advantages in international trades. Second, when there are good basic conditions, how to attract talents is a test for the local authority.

In my opinion, if you create convenient living conditions for talents, it will greatly stimulate their creativity. For instance, the mobile phone, computer, Internet and other technologies have improved working efficiency. Conversely, if you make their lives more complicated, you will destroy creativity.

I think rules should be made to make life easier, not to be a "stumbling block" to creativity. Take me as an example, the school gives me funds for scientific research, but if you ask me how to use the funds in two years, it will be difficult to answer, because it is not easy to evaluate the progress of the project. If my administrative system is set up very complex, it won’t be convenient for my research. I also explained to the principal of the university, and he agreed with me. I should say thank you to the university for the convenience provided, so that I could concentrate on my research work.

Q: Here comes to the last question, do you have any future plans?

A: First of all, my first wish is to push the drugs into clinical trials. Second, we have just started a new project to develop anti-malaria drugs, which is collaborating with a professor from Beijing Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Finally, I hope to stay healthy. My father lived a long life, he died at the age of 101, and my grandfather died at 95, so I'm confident to live a long and healthy life, ha-ha.




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